Professional Service Firms Need A Scientific Marketing Approach
Professional Business Services, Consulting Firms, and anyone in the B2B – Business-to-Business realm has a high probability of being an analytical thinker.
Let’s take a look at what they all have in common:
Accounting Firms, Law Firms, Engineering Firms, IT Consulting Firms and Private Equity all have a common thread: they’re detailed-oriented, obsessed with their processes and for the most part look at numbers daily.
Attorneys and Accountants tend to be the most thorough and navigate through a black and white lens. Historically the professional service firms (identified above) viewed marketing as more art than science – “we need to get our name out there” or the very popular, “we need to stay face among our competitors.” The landscape has changed significantly.
What’s the “tell” when a professional business firm is in need of our marketing services?
The prospective client gives a very common tell, in discovery the sentence, “this is how our firm has always done it” comes to the surface.
Today’s landscape has become very scientific and our campaign intelligence specifically has become a process that allows us to gather all client pain points, create recommendations, execute them and measure results all within 90-days. Our service based firms love our scientific approach and campaign intelligence because it doesn’t just measure “CPC – cost per click” or “ad spend” but deeper analysis of what converted and what was the real cost of those conversions. Our campaign intelligence reporting will allow us to optimize marketing campaigns performance week over week or month over month.
“Professional Services Firms Need To A Scientific Approach Before They Start Marketing”
What do we look at?
You probably have a love/hate relationship with websites. Every business has one and you need one regardless of any data stating otherwise. Reality is, there’s a lot of other social platforms, affiliate and referral sources that come into play that compliment your website’s inbound marketing strategy.
Google Analytics and other tracking sources are imperative and we have a lot of experience with inheriting business service firms data and have found that most firms have little to no data processes in place. We extrapolate your current data and turn that data into valuable information. That allows use to create executable and trackable engagements for your specific needs.
Content Marketing
The most important part of your efforts. To inform, educate and vet your prospects you’ll want to show value and professional knowledge before they call you for initial consult. We specialize in helping your new business and marketing teams be less “sale-sy” and display value. Today, you are able to track all aspects of white papers, eBooks, research, videos, infographics, webinars, podcast, and know before you go.
Most leaders of professional service firms are planners, the better prepared you are before a trial, better the outcome. Adhesive prepares you with assessing your current situation and creating milestones that result in better outcomes.
Develop a signature piece of content. Producing authoritative messaging on a very hot topic in your industry can become your source of credibility for your firm. You’ll be demonstrating the most important criteria potential clients are looking for, expertise. (e.g., Videos, White-paper, Podcast, Case study, eBook).
Learn more about what we’re doing for other Professional Service Firms here. Let’s Talk.